Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Hugh Jackman Recalls Robert Pattinson Karaoke Night

'Man, he's got a voice,' Jackman says of 'Twilight' star.
By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Hugh Jackman
Photo: MTV News

Back in 2009, there was a report that Hugh Jackman and Robert Pattinson hung out at a karaoke bar in Japan together. Now, more than two years later, MTV News heard the tale straight from Jackman himself, who stopped by our offices to chat about "Real Steel."

"I actually did karaoke with Rob. That's random, isn't it?" he said. "We were on our way to Japan, and he was promoting ['Twilight'] and I didn't talk to him at all on the flight, because he's this really tall guy with a hood over his head literally, and every time I'd go to the bathroom, I'd be like, 'Man, that guy takes some serious sleeping pills,' because this was him [slumps over] the whole time."

But the twosome quickly went from strangers on a plane to friends at a bar. "When he got out, I was like, 'Hey, man,' and Baz Luhrmann was also on the flight because we were promoting 'Australia.' So we went out to this Japanese karaoke bar, and we invited Rob, and he came," he said. "And it was so much fun. Man, he's got a voice. Really soulful."

Jackman expanded a bit on the night's debauchery, revealing what really goes on at a Japanese karaoke bar, for the uninitiated.

"The first thing you do is you get inside this room, the doors are closed, and there's, like, eight of you," Jackman explained. "So it feels a little weird. And then all of a sudden, they open, and they bring in these boxes, which are basically [full of] dress-up [clothes], and it's all girls' clothes. I was a schoolgirl, Baz got dressed up, and Rob did not. He was too cool for school."

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Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1672338/robert-pattinson-hugh-jackman-karaoke.jhtml

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