Sunday, 30 October 2011

Lindsay Lohan Shows Off Her Freshly Fixed Teeth

Quickly remedying her kisser after finding her not-so-pearly whites plastered all over the web, Lindsay Lohan has proudly posted a picture showing off her bright n' shiny choppers.

The "Mean Girls" star offered up an ear-to-ear smile for the personal pic, which she posted on WhoSay with a message reading, ""Thanks Dr. Dorfman for the zoom. My gums are so sore though!"

The posting comes a few weeks after Miss Lohan was highly criticized after showing off her seemingly rotting teeth while on the red carpet at the "Saints Row The Third" launch party.

Her now-jailed father, Michael Lohan, went as far as saying that she must be smoking crack or meth after catching glimpse of his daughter's unsightly chicklets.


Paris Hilton Charlie Sheen Mel Gibson Blake Shelton Celo Green Adam Levine jay-z