The 'Breaking Dawn' star's 'Snow White' trailer and possible 'Akira' casting are hot topics on 'Talk Nerdy to Me.'
By Josh Wigler
Kristen Stewart in "Snow White & The Huntsman"
Photo: Universal
Kristen Stewart is having a big week. Not only is she kicking off the first of her final two "Twilight" films with Friday's (November 18) release of "Breaking Dawn - Part 1," she also set the geek world on fire with her "Snow White and the Huntsman" trailer and reports that she could join the cast of "Akira," based on the beloved Katsuhiro Otomo anime and manga of the same name.
But the reactions to those two projects have been decidedly mixed — as with all things, there's some good and some bad — so it's up to us to dive into those topics and more on this week's episode of "Talk Nerdy to Me."Keep reading for a taste of all the "Nerdy"-ness that awaits you this week!
KStew Approaches "Akira"
News dropped earlier this week that an offer has been made to Stewart to join the cast of "Akira" as Kei, the psychokinetic female lead. It's not necessarily Stewart's casting that has fans so up in arms, but the very nature of the project itself: Gone are the Asian influences of the original "Akira," as Neo-Tokyo is renamed Neo-Manhattan and an all-Japanese cast is turned into an all-white one, among other grievances. "Nerdy" resident fanboy Brian Phares and MTV Geek's Alex Zalben were divided on their feelings on the "Akira" adaptation; find out what they had to say in this week's episode.
Kristen's Total "Snow" Out
While not everyone is on-board with Stewart approaching "Akira," the support for her work in "Snow White and the Huntsman" is unanimous. Kristen's debut as the fairy-tale-princess-turned-cunning-warrior electrified the Web last Thursday and continues to impress over a week later. But Stewart's not the only fairest maiden around: Lily Collins made her Snow White debut in the "Mirror, Mirror" trailer, which has not been as warmly received ... with the exception of one "Talk Nerdy" host (definitely not yours truly, you guys), who can't contain his excitement for Tarsem Singh's next movie. (Seriously, I'm really pumped.)
Doctor Potter
Moving away from Kristen for a moment, the nerdosphere was taken by surprise this week with the announcement that "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" director David Yates would be launching a big-screen take on "Doctor Who," the popular BBC television series that's been around for nearly 50 years now. There's some skepticism that this vision of "Who" will ever see theaters, though Zalben, our resident "Who" expert, has a different take on the news.
Men of Steel, Too!
In other surprising movie news, rumors emerged this week that "Man of Steel" is already ramping up its sequel. Warner Bros. is reportedly seeking writers for a follow-up to Zack Snyder's Superman film — a year and a half ahead of that movie's June 2013 release, mind you — and Team Nerdy pondered whether it's just too early to look so far ahead.
"Breaking" the Box Office
We closed out this week's episode with another round of Stewart-related goodness, examining the box-office prospects for "Breaking Dawn." Spoiler alert: It's going to make a metric you-know-what ton of money. We also looked ahead at next week's new releases and vocalized our support for the return of the "Muppets." Get all of our box-office analysis in this week's "Talk Nerdy."
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