Rigorous private lessons on how to be royal.
Rumors about losing too much weight.
Scrutiny over when she'll have a baby.
Alleged kidnapping threats.
Kate Middleton has a lot on her plate these days, to be sure. But is Us' new cover featuring the Duchess trying to make her situation more alarming than it is?
Kate definitely has lost weight in the past year, but many brides do. And sure, people are probably waiting for her to get pregnant with a royal heir. But Kate is 29 and has been married less than six months. Is she really sweating it?
She's got plenty of time to raise a family and raise children. A girl's allowed to enjoy being married and getting acclimated to her new life for a bit.
Heck, if you believe Star magazine, she's already pregnant with twins. If her fake fertility is any indication, getting pregnant for real should be a breeze.
Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/09/kate-middleton-a-princess-under-pressure/
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