Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Britney Spears' Ex Kevin Federline And Girlfriend Expecting A Baby

Sources say the pair is 'totally happy.'
By Jocelyn Vena

Victoria Prince and Kevin Federline
Photo: Sam Sharma/Nate Jones/PacificCoastNews.com

On the same day that Britney Spears shares with the world her latest album, Femme Fatale, Spears' ex, Kevin Federline, has a special announcement of his own: He and girlfriend Victoria Prince are expecting a child.

Rumblings of a possible pregnancy began to bubble up when a photo of Prince sporting what looked like a baby bump hit gossip blogs on Monday. On Tuesday (March 29), sources confirmed the news to E!.

The couple is reportedly "totally happy" about the pregnancy and Prince is five months along. Federline and Prince began dating in late 2008, two years after Spears and Federline split.

Sources told E! that Spears is "focused on her work right now" when asked how she's taking the news. Spears is currently dating talent agent Jason Trawick.

A rep for Federline couldn't confirm or deny the reports as of press time.

This will be Federline's fifth child. He has two children his ex Shar Jackson — daughter Kori Madison Federline and son Kaleb Michael Jackson — and two sons with Spears, Jayden and Sean.

In the summer of 2009, Federline and Prince were rumored to be shooting a reality show together. The show was reportedly intended to follow Federline's life as a dad to his four kids but never came to fruition.

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Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1660886/kevin-federline-expecting-baby.jhtml

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